Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Journal 1

I found this article very informative in that it really digs down into the details of how teaching and learning has become one of the same art. Teachers are not just teacher they are learning as well. One of my favorite points that David Warlick hit base on the article was that teachers learn the topic better as they teach. To teach a topic you are viewing it from different angles to get the attention across to different students. You must change perspective therefore you are learning different angles of learning to the topic rather than just your personal way of engagement. I have learned from myself that i feel very intimidated to ask questions in a room full of students but to learn is to question information given to you. When an article explains things kids tend to question it or google different sides of the point being discussed. Previously people would just take in the information as it came and leave it at that. Learning is a never ending process. To question information I believe really helps you get to the core of the topic and to know the answer and detail inside and out. Validating any information by researching what you have heard helps to fully understand and process information that sticks. Just like DAvid discusses in the article in earlier years you were to assume and trust the information given to you by educators, now a day you are required to research the topic and and its validity. Another interesting topic discussed in the article is that we are on information over load where as before a decade ago we learned basic knowledge on atoms, so he says, not a days we have come across more information, which as an end result books have changed, information has changed, and now are answers have changed. Parents are now relearning topics they learned in school through their children and the new resources we now have in schools. This article helps show that we are all continually learning. Even teachers are learning more and more as resources develop over years and through their teachings. We will always be learning new things the world is ever changing.

1 comment:

  1. Much food for thought in this article and your understanding of it. Your last statement about 'always learning' is key for educators in general, but especially when you think about the constant changes in technology and its impact on learning.
