Focus question 1: What is "lesson development using technology"?
Lesson development is a curtail part to teaching. Lesson development is the central station of every teachers work. There are three main parts of lesson development: academic content (what to teach), teaching goals, methods, and procedures (how to teach), and learning assessments (how to know what students have learned). Information is increasing with the rapid updates in technology and knowledge. Technology has become an important part in lesson planning. The internet holds an abundant amount of information attaining to lesson plans in the schools curriculum. Technology in lesson development help strategize what teachers are going to teach and what resources are going to supply information and gains projected for the students to learn. Technology is ever changing making it easier for teachers and students to find information and answers on all subjects in school, which in earlier years we were on a limited information. When a teacher is creating a lesson plan she may use the internet to look up information on what and how to teach. Technology is a great source in how to communicate with students and get information in front of them so that they are hands on processing it. If a teacher hands out a research assignment, information is not just given to them they must use their resources to obtain information and explain what they know and their understanding of the information at hand. Technology also help teachers evaluate what the students have learned and processed through the lesson by testing their knowledge either through; presentation via power points, written tests (multiple choice and short response answers), interactive software on the computer checking responses and how in depth a child understands the material. Technology is a great tool in lesson planning, and a convenient way to double check your work on what to teach your students, how to get across to them, and how to be reassured they are understanding the material.
Tech tool: 3.3 Online Rubrics and Quizzes
I chose this tech tool for online rubrics and quizzes because I think that it is very helpful for first year teachers to know about and have access to because they are so busy with work and might be overwhelmed with the classroom demands. Projects and quizzes are a requirement in each classroom therefor having an easy accessible website, like Rubistar, to help set a standard templet for creating a rubric for a project cuts time in half for the teacher. They can easily place their standards and rubric with in the structure given in the template. Quizstar is also a very helpful website for teachers that provides software to teachers for all types of tests ranging from; multiple choice, true and false, or short response answers. These website are just an easy go to for teachers to set rubric sheets for projects and assignments as well as quiz formats in a fast pace, rather than creating their own from scratch which can be very time consuming.
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This chapter, 3, is focused how to access students learning stems. It talks about lesson planning and the three major parts of it which are; what to teach, how to teach it, and how to know what your students have learned about the content. The chapter also gets into detail about how the newest technology are upgrading and making the lesson planning process easier, in all 3 steps, as well as setting rubrics for projects and setting the outline for quizzes. Lesson planning is the center of the classroom it sets the curriculum. Technology is helping teachers get supplies needed ready faster with templates already created as online testing centers that help determined where each child stand independently on different topics. Another way to determine what a child is learning and how much has been processed and recorded mentally is the UBD (understanding by design), which ultimately points out and emphasizes on different tasks and skill the child will know and be able to use. Lesson plans revolve around the teachers goals of what their students are suppose to learn and be able to use by the end of the lesson. Technology is a big part in helping teachers with their lesson plans and cutting their plan time in half with pre-made templates for lesson plans, rubrics of projects, and quizzes. Teachers now a days are getting to know what level each individual of the classroom is on with new technologies. Technology helps teachers understand what level children are on by testing them on the computer about certain topics to be taught. Some tests are placement tests to see where a student stand before entering a grade or subject area. The internet, new technologies, holds such a variety of information whether it be for children using the internet to search databases for answers or teachers quizzing what their students know. Teachers main source in assessing their students present day in technology and the internet. Because technology offers multiple ways to conduct tests and performance assessments its a more hands on technique. Now students are given standardized testing on the computer to see what they know on a nationally based scale. Teachers can then use all of the assessments and generate a teaching plan that best suits the children they are catering to.
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Some great factual information for each of these areas, but you will want to avoid doing too much of that in future posts. Instead select some of the main points and personalize it, reflect upon it, add your own opinion, etc. Also check the how to's for using copyright-friendly photographs in your blog.